
JHernando launches an innovative sorter by Mushiny

JHernando launches an innovative sorter by Mushiny

The ecommerce and online fashion and apparel industry has been growing steadily in recent years due to multiple factors, which has resulted in the market evolving faster and ecommerce and fashion companies needing to adapt more nimbly to change in order to remain competitive.

At JHernando we help you to adapt your facilities to ecommerce

At JHernando we help you to adapt your facilities to ecommerce

In a sector in which there are more and more competitors, it is essential to have all logistical processes under control in order to be able to offer precision in delivery times to customers. At JHernando we have extensive experience implementing high-speed sorting systems.


Exoskeletons for the logistics industry

Exoskeletons for the logistics industry

According to the European Agency for Safety & Health at Work, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are one of the most common work-related ailments among the working population in the European Union. Using exoskeletons to alleviate the load on the back in logistics loading jobs can bring health and wellbeing to the spine.

Implement sorting systems in warehouses and distribution centres.

Implement sorting systems in warehouses and distribution centres.

Automating warehouses is a strategy with many benefits. In recent months, as part of its growth strategy, Sending, the urgent transport and logistics company with 100% Spanish capital, has relied on JHernando to incorporate an innovative two-level sorter in its Coslada platform.

Interview with Javier Simón from A TU HORA EXPRESS

Interview with Javier Simón from A TU HORA EXPRESS

In JHernando we have recently carried out a sorter system for the HUB that A TU HORA EXPRESS has in San Fernando de Henares (Madrid) and we have interviewed Javier Simón, General Manager of A TU HORA EXPRESS, to tell us about his experience in this project and how his company faces the future of the sector.

How JHernando faces the future of the industry

How JHernando faces the future of the industry

The Business Year magazine recently conducted this interview with our CEO Juan Francisco Hernando about JHernando and how, with our sorting and conveyor systems, we are facing the future of the industry.

Automating processes for efficiency gains

Automating processes for efficiency gains

For companies where the flow of parcel movement in their warehouses or distribution centres is a constant and regular task, it is always interesting to consider the many advantages of automated some of their transport and logistics processes.

Adaptation of facilities for pharma logistics

Adaptation of facilities for pharma logistics

The pharma industry offer an essential service to society that has become even more valuable in recent times due to the crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus. This is why very specific conditions are necessary in their logistical handling, ensuring a correct traceability of their supply chain in order to guarantee a careful and safe handling.

Warehouse automation in laboratories and pharma logistics

Warehouse automation in laboratories and pharma logistics

The pharmaceutical sector and, in particular, associated logistics has traditionally been very demanding in terms of productivity, quality and availability. To this must be added the strict regulation that rules the sector that imposes, not only special storage and treatment conditions for the merchandise, but also correct traceability. These two factors drive advances in intralogistics, automatic and semi-automatic technologies.

JHernando presents Tramosort and Tramolog

JHernando presents Tramosort and Tramolog

Highlighting intralogistics as the field dedicated to the optimization of logistic processes of materials that is produced at the manufacturing point or in the warehouse, in direct contrast with logistics (referred, in that case, to the transport of products to a place outside of its manufacturing point), it is essential for companies to guarantee efficiency and full control from the end of the line to the warehouse and the shipping area.

Ensure traceability in pharmaceutical logistics and laboratories

Ensure traceability in pharmaceutical logistics and laboratories

In the laboratory and pharmaceutical logistics area, where it is so important to ensure the correct traceability of the product as to comply with the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/161 (which entered into force at the beginning of this 2019 and that hardened the processes to prevent the entry of counterfeit medicines into the legal supply chain) it is vitally important to have a careful handling of the product and reliable material handling systems that support each process.

Conveyors and sorters in coexistence with AGV Robots

Conveyors and sorters in coexistence with AGV Robots

In the last 10 years, acquisition of automatic guided vehicles (AGV robots) for facilities in a different areas has grown significantly globally. Over time, AGV robots have proven to be able to provide numerous advantages to various areas, particularly significantly increasing the efficiency of operations in warehouses and the management of logistics processes.