JHernando launches an innovative sorter by Mushiny

JHernando launches an innovative sorter by Mushiny

The ecommerce and online fashion and apparel industry has been growing steadily in recent years due to multiple factors, which has resulted in the market evolving faster and ecommerce and fashion companies needing to adapt more nimbly to change in order to remain competitive.

Interview with Javier Simón from A TU HORA EXPRESS

Interview with Javier Simón from A TU HORA EXPRESS

In JHernando we have recently carried out a sorter system for the HUB that A TU HORA EXPRESS has in San Fernando de Henares (Madrid) and we have interviewed Javier Simón, General Manager of A TU HORA EXPRESS, to tell us about his experience in this project and how his company faces the future of the sector.

Adaptation of facilities for pharma logistics

Adaptation of facilities for pharma logistics

The pharma industry offer an essential service to society that has become even more valuable in recent times due to the crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus. This is why very specific conditions are necessary in their logistical handling, ensuring a correct traceability of their supply chain in order to guarantee a careful and safe handling.