Adaptation of facilities for pharma logistics

The pharma industry offer an essential service to society that has become even more valuable in recent times due to the crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus. This is why very specific conditions are necessary in their logistical handling, which ensure that their supply chain is correctly traced in order to guarantee careful and safe handling that also strictly complies with current regulations and protocols. This also applies to the reverse logistics processes of these companies, which must strictly comply with current regulations in relation to products that have expired and/or have been withdrawn by the Health Authorities, for which it is necessary that the facilities dedicated to this are adapted to their needs.
In order to comply correctly with this, the process of adapting facilities is easier to carry out if there is a specialised engineering company that acts as a real partner of the company, so that they can adapt to possible changes quickly. Having a specialised company at your side like JHernando, in which accompanies our clients from the very beginning until the complete solution to their requirements is implemented, can be of great help in overcoming the challenges of pharmaceutical logistics.
Recently, at JHernando we have carried out an installation aimed at the logistics of pharmaceutical returns for the leading company in the sector: CEDIFA, in its new facilities in Seville.
CEDIFA is a company founded in Seville in 1979 with the aim of concentrating the returns of pharmaceutical items from wholesale warehouses, produced mainly due to expiry dates, and providing the reverse logistics service to various agents in the pharmaceutical sector through the registration, review, classification, packaging and shipment to pharmaceutical laboratories producers, or to authorised managers for destruction.
At JHernando we have created an integral picking, conveying and sorting installation for them, where the product is selected on picking racks divided according to the rotation of each item and distributed in such a way that the system achieves maximum capacity at all times.
The items are then placed in boxes of various sizes and/or trays and conveyed to a sorting system to be stored and then picked and shipped to their final destination in record time.
At JHernando we have carried out this system during this particularly difficult period, complying with all the necessary protocols and safety measures. Specialists in manufacturing and integrating sorting systems, conveyors, data capture systems or AGV systems, adapted to any sector including pharmaceutical logistics, at JHernando we also have the "Covid-19 Restriction" certificate, so important these days. This certificate is issued by the certifying entity IMQ Ibérica and accredits us as a company that correctly complies with all the regulations imposed by the Health Authorities to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus, thus certifying the safety in the development of its operations and reinforcing our commitment as a company to the safety of our customers and our suppliers.